Webinar na żądanie: Jak zdobyć Certyfikację™ Great Place To Work
Siemens Healthcare Sp. z o.o.

Siemens Healthcare Sp. z o.o.

Informacje o firmie

O firmie

Siemens Healthineers pioneers breakthroughs in healthcare. For everyone. Everywhere. Sustainably. The company is a global provider of diagnostic equipment, digital solutions and services, active in more than 180 countries and directly present in more than 70. Siemens Healthineers in Poland is one of the largest medtech companies in the Central & Eastern Europe and Central Asia region. We enable imaging, laboratory diagnostics and therapy with medical devices, digital technologies incl. artificial intelligence as well as extensive education programs in all segments of healthcare in Poland, from primary care to most advanced university hospitals.




Ochrona zdrowia | sprzedaż / dystrybucja artykułów medycznych

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